home equity

The home equity advantage

April 20, 20231 min read


Homeowners- Do you know about The equity advantage?! It’s how you can use the equity in you current home to leverage your next purchase.

home equity

If you’ve outgrown your home, want to move to a new area or are thinking of selling for ANY OTHER REASON, you can leverage the equity from your current home, into your new home! 

That’s right!  One of the key benefits of being a homeowner is that you build equity over time in your home.  So, whats equity and how does it grow? In the simplest terms, your home's equity is the difference between how much your home is worth today and how much you owe on your mortgage.

Chances are if you have been in your home for three to four years plus, you’ve likely built up a fair amount of equity and may not even realize how much. According to the U.S. Census Bureau roughly thirty percent of homeowners have over fifty percent equity in their home! 

Long story short- that equity you’ve built up- can  put you in a better position to purchase because it can be used to finance your next home. So if you’ve outgrown your home or just ready for a change & considering selling, let's connect. I can run some numbers for you & find out how much equity you may have to leverage your next move.

Other resources to help you understand home equity!

home equityequityhome valuehome leverageselling your homebuying a new home
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